Tuesday, July 9, 2013

6 Month Update

Ohhh to have a 6-month old.  

I'd heard from a couple parents that the 6-month mark really starts the golden age of babyhood, and so far it has proven to be 100% true.  (Warning:  Super mushy baby love post, just so you know what you're in for.)  

Newborns are sweet and cuddly and wonderful in their own way, but it's SO much fun to see what makes her laugh and start to see her little personality coming through.  Is there anything better than having your little one squeal with excitement simply because you walked into the room?  


Not sure what I did to deserve this little snowflake.  People are always telling me, "enjoy this time.  It goes by so fast."  So if you come to my house during the day, you'll probably see the evidence of me trying to do just that (dishes in the sink.  Laundry in the bedroom.  Clutter in the bathroom).  Because the days are long but the years are short, and I want to savor every precious minute with her while she still thinks her parents are the Coolest, Funniest People on Earth.

 And did I mention the gloriousness of chubby baby CHEEKS?  (OK I'm done.  But sometimes I just can't handle it.)

We love you, sweet pea.  Happy 6 months.

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